Time fly~~~~
Since I finished my blog on Saturday on the first week, I realised that something important advance may also happen on Sunday If I go to library or lab.So I decide to publish my game developing experience on Sunday night or Monday in future.
This week, all of our classes begin moving on track. And the biggest problem for me is "game words" in game design class. All of classic games the professor mentioned in the class are in English like "Grand Theft Auto","The Elder Scrolls". It was my mistake that only care about game's Chinese name in the past..... So I need make it up and get familiar with these names in order to eliminate language
gap as soon as possible.
Second, lots of my classmates have working experience and thus they are skillful in coding. I think I should spend more time in self-studying since I just finished my undergraduate study without lots of time in practice coding skills. And I may the youngest one in class.... So hard working now!!
After finish programing of C++ homework "Monster Chase", I got better understanding of iterator.
Our Game: I have finish the basic interface and hero's movement. And my team mates have plug in game looping, next time I will add enemy function base on his game looping. I think we can finish the game soon.
Your doing great! You said you feel like your behind language wise and programming wise, but I think your doing a great job. Keep your head up, and keep working on it and you'll do great. Good posting by the way. Good luck on your game!!!