Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Game Graphic 3

    O(∩_∩)O~ Mission accomplished.
   I made my I/O upgraded . From light task , I gradually know what advance math I studied on undergraduate and high school used for.
Computer graphic is a interesting subject. I willing to put more time for deep study.
  And I also want find some shader language information to improve my skills in next few days.
   Light move:
   I J K L (pg up pg dn)moving on z aixs.


Friday, January 25, 2013


This week I had to figure out the whole process of  how professor's huge project work......
initialize  update  arguments flows
I think I even got familiar with DX11 now.
Vertex buffer.. Index buffer, shader, word_matrix view_matrix ... projection_matrix

I spent two day to focus this Assignment and finally I can finish it on time.... hard time but happy ending.

Manual :
Position :
arrow_up arrow_down arrow_right arrow_left

w s a  d.

Sunday, January 20, 2013

Old Semester Pass, New Semester Comes, Unity Still

              Last semester, last project, we begun to use Unity to developing game. It also the first time that I realize how powerful a commercial game engine looks like. However, We have eight people on the team that time. So when all tasks had been assigned to team members, UI staff and tutorial are all I need to do.  
            New semester coming now, this time we have to focus on a big project instead of making several prototype. I finally chose Vinyl  for its unique ideas and peaceful game mechanic (I am tired of fighting with enemy..... and knocking down something on  screen) 
               luckily, Vinyl will use Unity to bring her unique feature and mechanic to player. So I can continue learning and working on Unity to increase my understanding of commercial game engine.
At same time, hard working on winter break to make up C++ had solid my C programming style. So C# in Unity would be a good chance to deep my programming skills and software architecture.

        Everything is moving to the bright side. Tuition benefit, langue skill improving, programming skills improving...... Just work harder day by day.... that is what I can do. And I believe it is the promising  road to the colorful future.

Saturday, January 19, 2013

Game Graphic1

 Finally, I have finish up the assignment of  graphic class. I believe it should be easy to handle at first since I have totally got the key points mentioned on the class . But it turns out that not only we need  use computer graphic knowledge learn from the class. but also C++ I/O and some software architecture stuff.

Besides graphic pipeline , from this assignment I grasp some fundamental ideas for using Class and C++I/O to expand programs. And how John plug Lua language into VS are also inspired me in program integrity.

Below are picture of PIX debugging to modify vertex shader and 
fragment shader: